
  • The Importance of Regular Eye Checks with an Optometrist

    When was the last time you visited an optometrist to have your eyes checked? If it's been a while, then you may need to schedule an appointment soon. Regular eye checks with an optometrist are a crucial step in maintaining good eye health. This blog post explores the significance of eye checks, the process of an eye exam, and what to anticipate when visiting an optometrist. Detecting Eye Diseases and Early Symptoms [Read More]

  • Orthokeratology: Your Questions Answered

    Orthokeratology, also known as corneal refractive therapy, is a non-invasive way to reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses temporarily. It involves wearing custom-fitted, gas-permeable contact lenses overnight. Ortho-K is a great alternative for people who are not suitable candidates for eye surgery or other vision correction procedures. It is also a popular choice for athletes, young adults, and people working in demanding occupations requiring clear and sharp vision. [Read More]

  • Three Tips To Prepare You For Eye Surgery

    The idea of a surgical procedure on the eyes is enough to heighten any person's anxiety. After all, the eyes are the most prominent of your five senses. Because your eyes register between 80% and 85% of all daily perceptions around you, they have a significant impact on your day-to-day living. Whether your planned eye surgery removes cataracts or reshapes your corneas, there are several steps you can take to prepare for a procedure on this body part. [Read More]

  • Eye Care After Cataract Surgery

    After cataract surgery, you must take steps to ensure the surgery is a success. If you follow the aftercare plan, you should end up with better sight within weeks after surgery. However, if you aren't careful, you may not have the desired results. When that happens, you could need further treatment. Here is more to know about eye care after your cataract surgery so you get the best results possible. [Read More]

  • 3 Signs That You Need to See an Ophthalmologist

    The health of every organ in your body matters a lot. However, some people pay more attention to some organs and neglect others. Just the way you focus on OBGYN and dental check-ups, you should also do the same to your eyes. Eye care is critical because it determines how healthy your eyes will be. That's why you should visit an ophthalmologist regularly to help you boost the health of your eyes. [Read More]

  • The Right Type of Lens for Your Prescription Glasses

    Getting the right glasses as prescribed by your optometrist is the key to better eyesight. However, there are a number of choices you will have to make about the prescription glasses, and one of them is they kind of lens they will include. Here is a quick guide to some of the more common types. Plastic These are the cheapest type of lens. They are also lightweight and are ideal for low- or medium-strength prescriptions. [Read More]

  • Making Contact: Best Practices for Contact Lens Care

    Whether you already wear contact lenses or are thinking about switching from glasses, knowing how to take care of contact lenses is extremely important.  Just like your glasses, they're a vital part of your vision, but since they actually do touch your eye directly, ensuring that they're clean and well-maintained should be a top priority for you.  That way, you can ensure not only that your eyesight is at its best, but that you're also protecting your visual health. [Read More]

  • How to Help Your Child Recover From Strabismus Surgery

    If your child has strabismus (colloquially known as crossed eyes), an eye doctor may have recommended corrective surgery. Surgery is the ideal treatment option for strabismus. Contrary to popular belief, the condition doesn't always correct itself. Surgical correction offers the most likely chance of improved vision and better quality of life. Many parents worry about putting their child through surgery as they believe the recovery period will be too stressful for a young person. [Read More]

  • Understanding Optometrists

    When it comes to diseases or problems with your eyes, there are several professionals you can see. Whereas you may be aware of opticians, you probably have not heard of the word "optometrist" – yet you have probably used their services. The following information will help you understand more about the profession. Who is an Optometrist? If a doctor has earned the Doctor of Optometry degree, that makes them an optometrist. [Read More]

  • What to Expect During Your Child's First Eye Examination

    Eye tests are an essential part of overall healthcare, playing an integral part in the detection and management of visual problems. It's normally easy enough for adults who wear glasses to remember their regular eye checks, but other members of the family might be forgotten. Never is it more important to see an optometrist than as a child, when potential problems can be discovered early and treated effectively. It's generally recommended that a child has their first eye test before reaching the age of three so that any needs can be taken care of before they start school. [Read More]