3 Signs That You Need to See an Ophthalmologist
The health of every organ in your body matters a lot. However, some people pay more attention to some organs and neglect others. Just the way you focus on OBGYN and dental check-ups, you should also do the same to your eyes. Eye care is critical because it determines how healthy your eyes will be. That's why you should visit an ophthalmologist regularly to help you boost the health of your eyes. [Read More]
The Right Type of Lens for Your Prescription Glasses
Getting the right glasses as prescribed by your optometrist is the key to better eyesight. However, there are a number of choices you will have to make about the prescription glasses, and one of them is they kind of lens they will include. Here is a quick guide to some of the more common types. Plastic These are the cheapest type of lens. They are also lightweight and are ideal for low- or medium-strength prescriptions. [Read More]